Friday, February 24, 2012

Dee's Felted PolyClay Crochet Hook

Manufacturer: Boye crochet hook -- adorned by me!
Type of Hook: metal hook size "H" with polyclay and felted roving
Own/Covet: Own
On the Hook: nothing at the moment

What I love about the hook:  is that I have not seen a polyclay and felted crochet handle together -- until now.  The idea to blend the two mediums came from when Linda of taught my CGOA Chapter members how to felt a handle onto our crochet hooks, and from some recent polyclay crochet hook purchases I've recently made (to be featured in an upcoming post!).

The hardest part of the project was rolling out the clay; I actually used 3 colors: hot pink, hot yellow, and a dark glittery purple.  The rolling of the clay repeatedly blended the colors into a murkey yet-still-sparkley purple.  I wrapped the clay around the thumb rest and added a little "swirl" on the very end of the hook and baked it based upon the clay's instructions.  That was easy.

Once it cooled, I put some elmer's glue on the remaining (exposed) handle of the hook and started needle felting the roving on (I have some more needle felting to do on it).  The little gems you see on the wool are actually stickers.  I don't know how long they'll stay on, but since this customization was an experiment, I thought, "hey, why not!?"

My new crochet hook may not be the most stunning crochet hook evahhhhh, but it does prove a point: crocheters can -- and will -- alter their crochet hooks for both comfort and ascetics.  I like the way the polyclay allows me to roll my hook, while the wool reduces the weight should the whole handle been dolled up with the clay.  This is something I look forward to exploring further in the future.  :)

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